Jaclyn Francis's Web Portfolio (formerly Jaclyn McKewan)

Last updated March 24, 2024

In-Person Workshops, Conference Presentations & Media Appearances:

"Librarians as Navigators"
TEDxBuffalo Conference: "Connect"
October 26, 2017
Video from the TEDx Talks YouTube channel

"Google Tools for Collaboration"
New York State Library Assistants’ Association Conference: "Library Assistants: Central to Libraries"
Liverpool, NY
June 8, 2017

"HTML & CSS: The Building Blocks of Web Design"
Pre-Conference Workshop
New York Library Association Annual Conference: "Strong. Strategic. Sustainable."
Saratoga Springs, NY
November 2, 2016
PowerPoint Slides

"Getting Started With Evernote"
New York State Library Assistants´ Association Annual Conference: "Library Assistants: Finding Our Strengths Through Change!"
Chautauqua, NY
June 10, 2016

"Online Productivity Tools"
New York State Library Assistants´ Association Annual Conference: "Library Assistants: Finding Our Strengths Through Change!"
Chautauqua, NY
June 10, 2016

"Virtual Reference Platform Options"
Western New York Library Resources Council Conference: "The Wide Angle: Expanding Visions of Reference Services in the 21st Century"
Cheektowaga, NY
March 4, 2016
Conference Photos
Conference Slides/Handouts

Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Cheektowaga, NY
December 3, 2015

"Online Productivity Tools"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Cheektowaga, NY
November 16, 2015
Handout 1
Handout 2

"Banish the Bullet-Points: Using PowerPoint Effectively"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Cheektowaga, NY
October 29, 2015

"Marketing Your Library With Social Media"
NY 3Rs Association, Inc.: "Library Assistants' Day"
Syracuse, NY
October 1st, 2015
Presentation Links
Conference Photo

"The Basics of HTML & CSS"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Cheektowaga, NY
September 28, 2015
Handouts: HTML Tags & CSS Properties

"Getting Started With Evernote"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Cheektowaga, NY
September 10, 2015

"Managing Your Workflow with an Automated To-Do List"
Upstate New York Special Libraries Association Conference: "Librarian's Toolbox: Reopened!"
Fayettesville, NY
November 8, 2013

"Tools to Manage Your Website: Open Source vs. Proprietary"
New York Library Association Annual Conference: "New York Libraries Rock!"
Saratoga Springs, NY
November 3, 2011

WKBW-TV: "PM Buffalo"
Television appearance to promote Ask Us 24/7
Buffalo, NY
December 3, 2010

"The Ask Us 24/7 and QuestionPoint User Forum"
New York Library Association Annual Conference
Saratoga Springs, NY
November 4, 2010

WKBW-TV: "PM Buffalo"
Television appearance to promote Ask Us 24/7
Buffalo, NY
May 14, 2010

"Better Slide Presentations"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Buffalo, NY
March 2nd & 3rd, 2010 (2 identical sessions)

"Luv 2 Chat? Ask Us 24/7"
New York Library Association: Annual Conference
Niagara Falls, NY
October 15, 2009

"Collaborative Chat Reference with Ask Us 24/7"
Western New York Library Resources Council Conference: "Revved up for Reference"
Ithaca, NY
September 24, 2009

"Managing News and Information with RSS."
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Workshop
Buffalo, NY
June 9, 2009

WKBW-TV: "PM Buffalo"
Television appearance to promote Ask Us 24/7
Buffalo, NY
July 25, 2008

"Finding What You Want on the Internet"
West Seneca School District: Continuing Education
West Seneca, NY
May 9, 2007; January 30, 2008

"Enhancing ILL with Online Submission Forms and E-mail Notification"
Poster Session
New York Library Association Annual Conference
Buffalo, NY
October 20th, 2007

Webinars & Online Presentations:

"Captioning Your Videos for Accessibility"
Conference Presentation
Empire State Library Network: PILLARS Symposium
July 13, 2022 (My presentation was pre-recorded as a "pre-conference" video)

"Using YouTube: Uploading Videos and Editing Closed Captioning"
Niagara University: Office of Faculty Development
May 24, 2021
Recording (my portion starts around 16:35)

"Fighting Fake News"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
February 28, 2017
PowerPoint Slides

"Online Productivity Tools: Smart Shortcuts and Clever Tricks"
LITA (division of ALA) webinar
November 8, 2016

QuestionPoint User Group Meeting: "Best Practices for Database Access in Virtual Reference"
May 19, 2016

"60 More Sites in 60 Minutes"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
February 23, 2016

"The Facebook Reach Problem and what it means for your Library's Page"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
June 16, 2015

"Getting the Most out of Your Web Browser: Chrome"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
December 11, 2013

"60 Sites in 60 Minutes"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
March 11, 2013

"Social Marketing with Facebook and Twitter"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
November 20, 2012

"Virtual Reference in Tough Times"
OCLC, Inc.: "Best Practices in Virtual Reference" Series
April 24, 2012

"Virtual Reference Panel"
South Central Regional Library Council: Emerging Library Technologies III: Virtual Reference Perspectives
January 18, 2012

"More Online Productivity Tools"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
December 6, 2011

"Free Online Productivity Tools"
Western New York Library Resources Council: Continuing Education Webinar
August 17, 2010

"Online Bookmarking Tools for Reference"
Washington State Library: "Ref22" series
December 8, 2009

"Using Firefox and Delicious Bookmarks to Manage Your Reference Links"
Western New York Library Resources Council October 19, 2009